Do You Work with a Control Freak?
Nov 01, 2005
Food For Thought

Do You Work with a Control Freak?
How to survive their manipulative ways

Your workplace is filled will an amazing array of people and personalities. As such, it's likely that your workplace consists of one or two control freaks. There is some good news, however. If you work for or with a control freak, you can survive the experience by maintaining the right perspective.

Two things are essential:

1. Accepting the fact that some people are power-mongers. Most people with a high need to control are unhappy and insecure. Keep in mind that most control freaks are not trying to hurt you" they're trying to protect themselves from feeling vulnerable. Treat them with kindness, stay calm, and be patient. Control freaks need to be heard, so it's a good idea to listen to what they have to say and ask lots of questions.

2. Realizing that while these people can manipulate your external environment, they cannot manipulate your mind. If you are good at your job, watch out! It's likely that a control freak will feel threatened by someone who is genuinely talented and hardworking" and that means he/she might come after you. If that happens, it's important to stay calm, and not let that person make you feel threatened. Remember, you are in control of what you think" so don't let the behavior of others make you paranoid or fearful. Keep your focus on your work and ignore the behavior that is designed to control you.

While you can't control the presence of control freaks at your job, you can make the best of the situation. Following the two-step process above should give the control freak a little room to relax and make way for improved interaction.

Source: The New Straits Times, "Surviving a tough workplace" by Jerrod Roch