Putting the Brakes on Negative Thinking
Sep 01, 2005
Food For Thought

If you've been feeling negative lately, you may need to change your frame of mind. Here are a few suggestions to get out of a destructive rut:

Figure out what you want and then ask for it. Are you miserable because you haven't gotten a raise in a long time? Do you feel you deserve more recognition? A promotion? Simply put, if you don't ask for what you want, you'll just continue complaining and being unhappy.

Live in the present. Constantly dwelling on the past and/or stressing out about the future is not healthy. Focus on what's happening now, and what you can do to make this day the best you can.

Replace negative thoughts with positive messages. As soon as a negative thought (i.e., "I never get a weekend off" or "I never get recognized for my good work") enters your mind, replace it with a positive message (i.e., "I'm blessed to have a job." "I do a lot of good work. I should let my boss know how valuable I am.")

Let yourself dream, then sit down and set some goals. Take some time to let your imagination run free. If you could travel to any destination, where would it be? What would a perfect day look like to you? After you've identified your dreams, write them down, and aim to make them a reality. If you're focused on reaching these goals, you'll find you have a lot less time to think about the negative aspects of life.

Write a list of everything that's good in your life. Negative thinkers tend to take a lot for granted. If you write down and see all you have to be thankful for, you're going to be a lot less likely to complain and have negative thoughts.

Give someone a compliment. Sometimes, stopping negative thinking is as simple as giving someone else praise. You may be surprised at how good you feel after commending a friend or co-worker. Additionally, this type of behavior often comes full circle. In no time, you'll be receiving praise for your good deeds and accomplishments.

Keep a journal. A journal is a safe and private way to get all of your frustrations and feelings out. It also serves as a learning tool, as you can go back and reflect on your experiences and how they've changed your life.

Laugh already! Things usually aren't as bad as they seem. Try to lighten up when you can, and have a good laugh. It will make you feel better.