Web Blogs: Are you about to get "dooced"?
Jul 01, 2005
Food For Thought

Web logs or blogs are a type of Web content typically created by independent writers (although some reporters for media companies create blogs on newspaper or magazine sites). Some blogs are personal journals, while others resemble newsletters or columns. Blogs are typically updated using software that allows people with little or no technical background to update and maintain the blog.

Healthcare employees are no strangers to the world of blogs. Indeed, if you were to search the Internet, you would find thousands of blogs dedicated to the healthcare profession. While blogs can be a valuable and entertaining source of information, there are some issues you should be aware of if you're thinking of starting your own blog.

Bloggers Beware
Getting "dooced" is the latest techie buzzword for getting fired for blogging. The word originated from Heather Armstrong's blog called "Dooce." Armstrong was fired for what she wrote in her blog. She and others who have been fired for blogging are now getting the word out about the possible dangers of blogging. Additionally, The Electronic Frontier Foundation has published a bloggers' guide with tips for blogging safely:

  • Try to remain anonymous. Don't blog with your name or other identifying characteristics. Use a pen name or pseudonym instead.

  • Keep your employer anonymous. Don't divulge any identifying information concerning your employer. For instance, don't write that you work at one of two major hospitals in Chicago. That narrows down who you are and where you work and your employer could figure it out" and you could end up paying some heavy consequences.

  • Blog on your own time. Don't write your blog at work. This is always a bad idea. Using company equipment to write your blog is not what you're getting paid for!

  • Use blogging services that password protect your blog. You definitely don't want hackers to invade your blog and post inaccurate and harmful information.

  • Remember, cyberspace is not some alternate universe" it is the real world, and it can cause real-world problems for you if you don't protect yourself. Blogs are a great new form of communication, and like everything we say and do in the brick-and-mortar work world, you should weigh your options carefully before acting.