Make Yourself Shine: How to be a Star at Work
May 01, 2005
Food For Thought

In This Issue:
Make Yourself Shine: How to be a Star at Work

The 7 Keys to Personal Success and Happiness in a Health Care Job
Health Care Job. Success & Happiness.

How is this possible?

Many of you have been with me for a number of years on our journey toward excellence attending my speeches, seminars, watching tapes, and participating in workshops. During that time, and well before, I have been working vigorously to unlock the keys to a very important issue...why some people have found personal success and happiness in a healthcare job while others never seem to find it. That specific question has been at the center of my personal research for over three (3) decades. I'm happy to say I discovered many of the keys without even knowing that they were the essential ingredients to the successful recipe.

When I began studying conversations and interviews with thousands of health care individuals I discovered that the essentials for personal success and happiness fell into 7 key areas. I'm now offering the keys to unlock these doors to every individual currently working in health care, thinking about returning to health care or considering a health care job so they can experience personal success and happiness. This solution oriented set of learning principals will be offered to all health care job holders in the next 30 days. Because you are part of a unique group that continues to interact and support myself and Maun-Lemke, I am announcing to you a special pre-release offer for this learning system. On a priority basis, you may pre-order up to 7 sets per order for a substantially reduced price.

The 7 Keys to Unlocking Personal Success & Happiness in a Healthcare Job
In your pocket or purse you probably have several different sets of keys. Each key has a specific function, i.e., it starts your car, unlocks your front door, etc. While each key serves a needed purpose, if used on the wrong item, it simply won't work. In other words, using your car key to open your gym locker is a useless effort.

Using the wrong strategies on the wrong problems is a similar mistake many healthcare professionals make. The truth is, if you're not using the right solution for the corresponding problem, it too, becomes a worthless attempt. That's where the 7 Keys come in.

Each of The 7 Keys addresses specific hurdles common to the healthcare profession. They are sequenced in a very specific manner, ensuring that you are targeting the right problem at the right time. After viewing each tape, you will be equipped with the tools and strategies you need to overcome these obstacles. Through The 7 Keys, you can learn how to effectively utilize a set of strategies that will help you achieve the balance you need and the fulfillment you deserve.

So what are The 7 Keys?

Below are The 7 Keys along with a brief description of what you can expect to master after viewing each session.

Key # 1: Staying highly motivated on a daily basis (even on bad days!) is a must.

How to Motivate Yourself on a Daily Basis
In this first Key, you will learn what you need to do on a daily basis to determine where you're at, and where you need to be on a motivational level. You will learn specific self-control methods that enable you to be in charge of your motivation. Essentially, you will find out how to properly energize yourself.

Key # 2 You must be able to combat negativity.

Proven Methods for Handling Energy Zapping "Trolls"
Perhaps nothing diminishes personal motivation faster than negative people. These energy zapping "trolls" are everywhere in healthcare. To achieve balance and success in your healthcare career, it's important that you have strategies for handling these energy zapping people. This second Key involves five major techniques for effectively and immediately dealing with trolls.

Key # 3 Tooting your own horn is essential to success.

How to Effectively Promote Yourself
In healthcare, it's all too common and easy to give, give, give, but not receive much back for your services and effort. While this situation is common, it's simply not acceptable. Key #3 is all about giving you the tools you need so you can receive the rewards and recognition you deserve. Specifically, you will learn four methods to effectively "toot your own horn."

Key # 4 You must make you, the boss, and the organization all look good at the same time.

How to Make Everyone Come Out as Winners
As you incorporate the above three Keys into your daily success plan, you must also find a way for your boss and organization to come out as winners. Key #4 unlocks the three specific techniques that successful healthcare professionals utilize to ensure that all three (yourself, your boss, and the organization) have what they need to make a positive difference.

Key # 5 For you to be successful, your team must be successful.

How to Play on Teams that Pay Off
This learning set will take you through what makes a good team, what works, what doesn't, and how to change losing teams into winning ones. This key will ultimately teach you how to make a difference on a team-no matter what your position is in the organization.

Key # 6 You must be able to deal with difficult people.

Winning Tips and Techniques for Dealing with Difficult People
Unfortunately, there is no way to avoid the difficult situations and people that seem to appear in abundance in healthcare. However, no matter what, you need to handle these situations in a tactful and honorable manner.

This tape will give you five specific strategies for dealing with difficult people. These strategies will allow you to:
minimize conflict
assert your position
reach a solution
maintain positive relationships
measure success
Key # 7 You must upgrade your value in the organization so that it means something.

How to Prove Your Worth
This last Key ties everything together. It enables you to leverage your success so that you and your organization can benefit from your newfound skills. Whether your value leads to extra benefits, bonuses, career development etc., this last Key will ensure your value is recognized.

Are You Ready to Unlock the Door? Thousands of healthcare professionals have proven that The 7 Keys are indeed workable, usable solutions. Their success is proof that The 7 Keys can work for anyone. Moreover, it's proof that you can unlock these keys. Of course, success and happiness is ultimately all up to you, but The7 Keys can guide the way-making it possible to not only have a healthcare job, but a healthcare career.

Order NOW!
The 7 Keys to Unlocking Personal Success & Happiness in a Healthcare Job will be available in mid June! However, as a preferred customer, you qualify for our pre-release offer. Simply click here to pre-order your 7 Keys set NOW or click here for a mail in order form or call 800-356-2233 for more information.

Make Yourself Shine:
How to be a Star at Work

If you want to be a star at work, then you need to get the label "takes initiative" attached to your name. How do you earn that label? Try the following steps.
Seek, don't hide. Go above and beyond when seeking responsibility. People will be impressed when they see you willing to accept the responsibility that others normally shy away from.

Think of others. When you take on extra efforts, be sure to think of your fellow co-workers or the group at large. If they are in need, do what you can to help them out. People will start using words like "selfless" and "dedicated" to describe you.

Stay focused. Don't give up on a project you've taken on. If you need help, ask for it (after all, the people you've been going out of your way to help should be happy to return the favor!). So, stick to it to the end, and get it finished.

Take risks. When you take on an extra responsibility, take on one that makes a true difference at work. More than likely, this will be a task or project that has some risks involved (i.e., your name's at stake, you must work extra hours etc). Just be careful when making such choices-you don't want your work to suffer under any circumstances.
When you follow these guidelines, you'll probably notice people acting differently around you. Your boss and co-workers are likely to treat you with greater respect. And it will be just one of the many benefits you receive from being such a star!