Until We Meet Again...
Jan 01, 2005
Food For Thought

January 2005 Food For Thought

Until We Meet Again...
Characteristics of Effective Meetings



Announcing 3 New Clint Maun Programs in Partnership with PRIMEDIA Healthcare:

The Activity Department's Role in Enhancing Customer Service -- This program will provide insight on how the activity department relates to customer service perception, addresses their role in coordinating the resident's care plan, developing a quality indicator scoreboard and much more.

Meals or Milkings? True Dining Experience or "Herding Ritual"? -- This program discusses how customer perception and value are related to the dining experience, relates how each team member is involved in creating a positive dining experience, identifies rewards and recognitions to foster positive team involvement, plus more.

PPS, MDS, Do It For Less, or Are We Blessed? -- This program will differentiate between capitated reimbursement versus fee-for-service, identify ways to involve each member in properly documenting services, lists ways to track team success involving capitated reimbursement.

These three 60 minute video programs target nurses, certified case managers, long-term administrators, dietary managers, dietetic technicians, and activity professionals.

All 3 Programs are available on VHS or DVD. Please indicate your preference when ordering.

If you'd like more information on Clint Maun's speaking, consulting or products please go to www.ClintMaun.com or call Kathy Cain, VP at 1-800-356-2233.


Are you aware of the latest epidemic going around the office? No, it's not the flu, pneumonia, or an outbreak of e-coli. Rather, it's the overwhelming presence of unnecessary and/or inefficient meetings. Chances are, you've been to your fair share of these meetings. You know, the ones where attendees arrive ill-prepared and the conversation rambles along for hours in a meeting that could have taken 15 or 30 minutes--if it needed to occur at all.

Among the worst meetings are those that operate under the guise of a meeting, but actually resemble more of a social gathering. People attend these "meetings" to eat, talk about their favorite TV shows, and chat about other various topics of shared interest. Nothing of real substance is accomplished and those who came to get work done are left utterly frustrated with how much time they've wasted.

So, what distinguishes an effective meeting from one that is a complete waste of time? Here are some important factors that help ensure a good meeting:

* Have a good reason to meet in the first place.
* Have an agenda that clearly states the purpose of the meeting along with what will be covered during the meeting.
* Establish a timeframe and stick to it.
* Make sure that participants come prepared. Let them know what they need to bring and what questions they will have to answer before the meeting starts.
* Assign a chairperson. Have someone who can keep participants focused on the agenda items and keep the group on track.
* Cancel if the need for the meeting disappears.

While good meetings are often rare, you know when you're attending one. A good meeting is about moving forward and is energized by the preparation and clear-focus of its participants. The meeting occurs to ensure that the group is on the same page, to share vital information, and to keep various initiatives moving forward in a way that is aligned with your healthcare organization's main strategies and goals.