Do You Have a Deadline? Here's how to get started
May 01, 2006
Food For Thought

Do You Have a Deadline?

Here's how to get started

If you have a deadline, but you can't seem to get started on your project, you might need to step back and see what is paralyzing you. Start by assessing why you are unable to act. Ask yourself the following questions:

What am I afraid of? Are you afraid of learning new material? Venturing into unfamiliar territory? Trying and failing? Looking foolish in front of your peers? Identifying and acknowledging these fears is a big step toward meeting the deadline and achieving your goal.

What is the worst that can happen if I fail? Could you lose your job? Could you be demoted? It's most likely that you are afraid of appearing foolish, or you are merely afraid of failing. Most people have these same fears, and once you realize that you are not alone in your fears, you may be able to move on.

How do I want to live my life? While this question may seem all-encompassing, you may find that answering it helps you solidify your values. Do you want fear to rule your life? Do you want to face difficulties head on and get them out of the way?

What do I want to accomplish? Is your behavior impeding your career path? If it is, and you can see that clearly, this knowledge may give you the little push you need to move on and take action.

Bottom line: Goals and deadlines are often very attainable. However, our fears often get in the way. By simply identifying those fears, the battle is already half won!

"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal."
~Henry Ford