Savvy Speaking America's Third Shift Workers National Nurses Week Fast Facts Just for Fun
May 01, 2004

May 2004 Newsletter

Communication Corner" Savvy Speaking
News You Can Use" America's Third Shift Workers
Current Events" National Nurses Week
Fast Facts
Just for Fun

"There are no menial jobs, only menial attitudes."
" William John Bennett

/// Back Issues of this newsletter available at: ///

Savvy Speaking
Making Your Case with Grace and Poise

Acquiring sharp presentation skills can prove to be a great advantage in the workplace. In fact, no matter what your job entails, almost everyone could use to hone in on these special skills. Whether you're simply requesting time off from your boss, persuading patients to take your advice, or perhaps presenting the annual budget to top executives, the tips below will enhance your ability to make your case.

Be mindful of your body language.
Try not to cross your arms while speaking to your audience" it suggests that you're not open and willing to receive feedback. Also, maintain eye contact, it shows that you respect the person(s) to whom you're speaking. Be aware that looking down may give the impression that you're trying to figure out what to say next (remember, you're the speaker" you're supposed to know!).

Remain calm.
Appear relaxed, even if you feel nervous. We know, we know" easier said than done. However, taking a few moments to collect your thoughts as well as taking some deep breaths can do wonders to calm nerves. Also, try to speak at a reasonable pace. Speaking too fast gives the impression that you want to get the presentation/talk over with as soon as possible, while speaking to slow may bore your listeners and give them impression that you're not sure of what you're saying.

Speak with conviction.
If you believe what you're saying has merit, so will your listener(s). For your presentation to hold water, the material you present orally should have the same ingredients that are required for a written research paper. A logical introduction, transitioning to the main body (i.e., strong supporting arguments, accurate and up-to-date information), then finally the conclusion. For example, if you're telling a patient why they should take a certain medication, you could begin by telling them that the medicine will help keep them healthy (introduction). Then, you could tell them how the medication has helped others like them, and give them tips on how to take the medication (the body). Lastly, restate your introduction" taking the medication will help keep them healthy. This type of method reinforces and gives credibility to your presentation.

Play devil's advocate.
Have a back-up plan. Run all the possible scenarios you can think of through your head before you state your case" what would you say if someone were to say x-y-or z? Being armed with a "Plan B" will make you appear prepared and more confident.

Night Moves
Tips for Third Shift Employees

As most Americans' heads hit the pillow for a good night's sleep, more than 3 million people are just punching in and starting their "day." Hospital workers are among those working these graveyard shifts, and without these critical employees, our country would not be able to function as it does" 24 hours a day, seven days a week. While some may enjoy these vampire-like schedules, many night workers may feel they've turned their lives upside down to keep up with a schedule that conflicts with social norms and works against the body's natural circadian rhythms.

For most Americans, events like shopping, going to the gym, and eating out are routine. However, even the most simple activity, such as going to school conferences, can be a challenge to the millions of Americans who work nontraditional hours. Despite the difficulties tied to these shifts, there's no doubt that they're here to stay. There is hope, however" options and strategies exist to make these shifts, as well as your personal life, positive and fulfilling. Take note of the tips below.

Post it.
Place your work schedule in a highly visible place in your house (such as the refrigerator). This way, your family can plan around your schedule and knowing your work times in advance will help prevent disappointments when you can't make a certain function. Also, make sure your family, friends and neighbors understand what time of day you're sleeping and agree not to disturb you.

Shut it.
For night workers, getting a restful sleep while the rest of the world is up and at "˜em can prove to be quite difficult. When it's time for sleep, close the door, darken your bedroom and do anything else that might help you shut out the outside world" playing relaxing music, wearing ear plugs or a sleep mask are just a few things that could help.

Plan it.
Third shift schedules make get-togethers and parties almost impossible to attend. However, doing something fun with the important people in your life is key to maintaining balance. Take the time and plan a special day for yourself. If you have children, book a babysitter in advance and plan a "date" with your partner.

Go for it.
Don't hesitate to deviate from the norm. Do the things that work for you, regardless if it's not what most people around you are doing. For example, if you're hungry for lunch food in the morning, have a salad while your kids munch on cereal. Conforming to the times and tastes of regular shift workers will only remind you of the difficulties you face. Have it your way!

Lastly, maintaining an open dialogue with managers is key.
Giving and receiving feedback concerning shift changes, time off, etc is a critical component when overcoming the challenges night workers face.

Source: Consumer Health Interactive

"Nothing in life is so hard that you can't make it easier by the way you take it."
" Ellen Glasgow

Celebrate National Nurses Week!
Perhaps there is no better time to show nurses how much their contributions are appreciated than National Nurses Week. Every year the nationally recognized event is held May 6th through May 12th. This year's theme is "Nurses: Your Voice, Your Health, Your Life."

The American Nurses Association supports and encourages National Nurses Week recognition programs through the state and district nurses associations, other specialty nursing organizations, educational facilities, and independent health care companies and institutions. Below are some celebration ideas for this year's event and those to come:

"’ Hold a special celebration or reception in honor of a nurse or several nurses in your facility. Recognize those who have demonstrated exemplary courage and/or commitment to the nursing profession.

"’ Place an article in your state or local newspaper(s) about National Nurses Week and the value of nurses.

"’ Invite a local or federal politician to "shadow" a nurse for the day. Healthcare remains a crucial item for American voters" politicians should be visible and accountable concerning this hot-button issue. Having a politician "on staff" for a day will help open his/her eyes to the real life issues healthcare facilities face. This is a win-win situation and it offers good media coverage potential.

"’ Invite a local celebrity who has either spoken about healthcare issues in the past or has personally been a patient of a nurse. Hold an event and ask him/her to speak about a personal experience in which he/she was cared for by a nurse.
All of the items above help raise healthcare awareness and more importantly, they shed light on how important nurses are in maintaining the well-being of the community.
For more information, on this yearly event visit:

Fast Facts
May 6th through May 12th is National Nurses Week. This important event recognizes and reflects on the great history of the nursing profession.

Think you know everything there is to know about this important profession? Take a look at the facts below" you may be surprised!

"’ There are nearly 2.7 million registered nurses in the United States. And, 2.2 million of them are actively employed.

"’ The American Nurses Association was founded in 1896.

"’ Research indicates that advanced practice nurses can provide 60 to 80 percent of primary care services as well as or better than physicians and at a lesser cost.

"’ The nation's nurses rank second for their honesty and integrity, with 83 percent of Americans rating them "high" or "very high," according to a 2003 CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll. Nurses have consistently rated first every year but one after being added to the list in 1999.

"’ A study, published Sept. 23, 2003, in the Journal of the American Medical Association determined that the educational level of RNs working in hospitals has a significant impact on whether patients survive common surgeries.

"’ A study conducted by the Nursing Credentialing Research Coalition found that certification has a dramatic impact on the personal, professional and practice outcomes of certified nurses. Overall, nurses in the study stated that certification enabled them to experience fewer adverse events and errors in patient care than before they were certified. Additional results revealed that certified nurses:

"’ believed they were viewed as credible providers
"’ received high patient satisfaction ratings
"’ reported more effective communication and collaboration with other health care providers
"’ experienced fewer disciplinary events and work-related injuries.

Just for Fun
Healthcare Humor
It may be hard to live with nurses because:

"’ Thanksgiving dinner comes in pre-cut small pieces because they don't want to have to perform the Heimlich maneuver and be reminded of work on the only holiday they've had off in years.

"’ You've been awakened from a deep sleep in the middle of the night to find them shaking you because your breathing patterns were a little too close to a Cheyne-Stokes rhythm.

"’ When you forget to flush the toilet, you get a complete analysis with a plan on how to correct any noted problems.

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25% OFF WORKFORCE 21 -- AWESOME DEAL -- SAVE $300 until May 21


The Workforce 21 tool kit is a "meat and potatoes" program developed to help you learn how to find, select and keep top quality staff. It is possible to reduce turnover to lower than the national average"¦in a short period of time!

Learn the following techniques for dealing with the "new" workforce:
* How to develop the "One Great Unit" concept
* How to implement a "passionate" orientation for all new employees
* How to implement a realistic model for pilot projecting and team-scheduling to greatly
improve daily attendance/tardiness rates
* How to develop techniques to address the workforce that is entering facilities today
* How to implement a successful self reporting system that develops team-based
accountability and motivated behavior on a daily basis
* How to design a RSR "superteam" that reduces annualized turnover dramatically
* How to stop "floating" staff to different units and eliminate agency utilization

The kit includes a Manual/Workbook, 6 videotapes, 6 CD's and 6 Cassettes of Clint's live seminar, plus a Proven Solutions cassette set and In Charge cassette set on nursing leadership. Also included are the Manual/Workbook on CD's, 200 BMG buttons and 2 copies of Team Basics, a book outlining strategies for team success.




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