Personality Traits Expressive Roles: Artisan and Sage Inspirational Roles: Server Action Roles: Warrior Neutral Roles: Scholar
May 01, 2004
Food For Thought

May 2004 Food For Thought

Personality Traits

"Our attitude toward life determines life's attitude towards us."
" Earl Nightingale

Where Do You Fit In?
Pinpointing Personality Traits
Pinpointing specific personality traits can help you and those around you work together more effectively. The personality types below describe general roles and traits, and should ultimately help you gauge where you fit in. The "Positive Attributes" listed with each Role are present when people are fulfilling their true purpose in a positive way. The "Negative Attributes" usually appear when someone is under stress or not working in a positive manner. Please note that these traits are not "the end-all, be-all"" you may find that you hold certain characteristics in a few different roles. The point here is to become more aware of the specific characteristics that make you you.

Expressive Roles: Artisan and Sage

Are you an Artisan?
Artisans include many entertainers, artists and creative people of all kinds. In the corporate world, Artisans may be architects or graphic designers, as well as doctors, administrative assistants, trainers, department managers or executives.

Artisans are constantly looking for creative and innovative ways to accomplish something. As managers, Artisans are creative in getting things done (on the positive side), or (on the negative side) they can be scattered, unfocused and continually changing things just for the sake of change.

Positive Attributes: Creative, innovative, trendsetters.

Negative Attributes: Self-deceptive, chaotic, unfocused, scattered.

Are you a Sage?
Sages are typically newscasters, reporters, TV journalists, movie producers, teachers, corporate executives, sales people and master communicators of all types. Most Sages love to talk and they love to be the center of attention.

Sages like to have fun, so they are usually the ones who like to get a party going. Sages make the best office gossips and joke-tellers as well as the best office communicators. As managers, Sages love to tell others what to do, but sometimes are not very good about follow-up, discipline or enforcing rules.

Positive Attributes: Good communicators, contagious positive attitude.

Negative Attributes: Large ego, narcissistic.

Inspirational Roles: Server

Are you a Server?
Servers provide positive, inspirational support to others. Servers can be found in many support roles such as caretakers, clerks, nurses, healers, secretaries, airline stewards/stewardesses, waiters/waitresses and facilitators of all kinds.

Servers spend so much of their time and energy helping others that people often expect them to do all the dirty work. Sometimes it's hard for a Server to say "no" or to be assertive on their own behalf. As managers, Servers are always concerned about the welfare of others and how they can help them. Servers are committed and dedicated" to the point of being devotional.

Positive Attributes: Supportive, inspirational and helpful.

Negative Attributes: Controlling, troubles of letting go of perceived responsibility.

Action Roles: Warrior

Are you a Warrior?
Professionally, Warriors may be athletes, builders, construction workers, doctors, engineers, firemen, soldiers, lawyers, judges, managers and strategic organizers of all kinds. Warriors organize, defend and protect society. Warriors like to work in groups and tend to organize any endeavor.

Warriors like a challenge" it is part of their nature and they often rise to the occasion whenever a challenge appears. Warriors like to get right to the point in any business endeavor and are interested in bottom-line results.

Positive Attributes: Hard-working, loyal, organized.

Negative Attributes: Coercive, overly aggressive.

Neutral Roles: Scholar

Are you a Scholar?
Scholars may be writers, detectives, librarians, mediators, philosophers, researchers, students or teachers. Scholars gather, maintain and preserve history and love to share their knowledge.

When Scholars don't have an answer, they may develop extensive theories about why something is the way it is. In any company or organization, it is usually the Scholars who are asked to write a report, do the research and develop written reports.

Positive Attributes: Organized, observant, thoughtful.

Negative Attributes: Tendency to ramble, spacey.