Nursing Homes for the 21st Century
Jan 01, 2004
Food For Thought

January 2004 Food For Thought

Nursing Homes for the 21st Century

"Aging seems to be the only available way to live a long life."
--Kitty O'Neill Collins

*Nursing Homes for the 21st Century
*New Approaches to the Old Model
A new film featuring a nursing home alternative is claiming to revolutionize the old model of long term care. The film, titled, "The Green Houses: Elder Homes for the 21st Century" is aimed for long-term care providers who are considering developing new places for elders to live and receive skilled care.

The film contains dozens of interviews with elders who call "Green Houses" home. Also included in the film are family members, children, healthcare professionals and the project's proud creators. The film takes place in Tupelo, Mississippi where United Methodist Senior Services of Mississippi built the first four Green Houses and relocated 40 residents from its Cedars Health Care Center in May.

What are Green Houses?

Green Houses are group homes that use a social and facilitative model of care and maximum staff empowerment to serve elders needing skilled care. They are designed to feel more like home than today's typical long-term care institution and to blend easily into their community or surroundings. For example, cooking takes place in plain sight, rather that isolating the kitchen from living areas. The presence of nature, pets and children in nursing homes is encouraged as well.

Who Started the Idea?

In 1991, Dr. William Thomas conceived the Eden Alternative (TM), a new approach to the care of elders living in today's nursing homes. Long-Term care facilities that adopt the Eden Alternative work to create vibrant habitats through culture change. This change includes the introduction of large numbers of companion animals, indoor plants, gardens and children. Dr. Thomas and many others with an expertise in long-term care developed The Green House model to redesign the skilled nursing home, and provide elders with an environment that promotes autonomy, dignity, privacy, and choice. The model also focuses on those who provide care for nursing home residents. The Eden Alternative system of training and environmental changes is said to empower front-line workers as well.

Where Can I Get More Information?

The video is available to all with an interest in developing Green House Projects as well as those desiring to inform the long-term care field about the project. You can also access more information at The Greenhouse Project's website at

Also check out Clint's articles, "Meals or Milkings" (, and "Seven Sets up Seventeen" ( These articles explain how Clint can work with your team in order to create a positive working and living environment in your facility.

* If you want to provide a better workplace for both your residents and
* your workers, you HAVE to check out our We're In The People Business
* video series:
* Clint Maun in partnership with Ohio Health Care Association presents a
* four (4) video series that will develop your skills for today's customer
* in healthcare. This set will help develop a customer service philosophy
* for your facility and its employees. Also included is a facilitator guide
* and participant handout.
* Buy the videos (12 total in 3 series) at
* More information and articles adapted from the series can be found here: