Hooked on Reality TV? - Time to Stop Living Your Life as just an Observer
Jan 15, 2006
Food For Thought

Hooked on Reality TV?
Time to Stop Living Your Life as just an Observer

Are you watching the world go by? If you are, you're not the only one. In fact, our culture is now filled with people who merely watch others doing things--that's what reality TV is all about. Watching others fulfill their passions, take on new adventures, and accomplish their goals. While there's nothing inherently wrong with watching reality shows, people should know that it's easy to become immersed in this kind of observer, do-nothing state--and there is something wrong with that. Why?

If we are merely living our lives vicariously, we risk missing out on the real joy there is to experience in life. That's because we are not cultivating our own happiness and we are not out there experiencing and participating in the activities we love.

Television statistics are startling. According to Nielsen Media Research, the average American spent nearly 1,700 hours watching the tube in 2004. What's that pan out to? Almost 70 full days a year watching television! That's a lot of missed opportunity to create your own happiness and adventure in life.

So, is there anything to do? Of course. The key is to simply raise your awareness. When you catch yourself watching a show that's highlighting someone else's achievements or life journey, turn your energy back to yourself. Ask yourself what you're good at--or what you'd like to incorporate into your life. Then schedule at least one activity per week that will help you accomplish this. And don't worry, if you're like most Americans, you'll still get in plenty of TV!

"Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do."
--Johann Wolfgang von Goethe