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Everyday our organization, Maun-Lemke, helps health care and housing organizations achieve staffing success. By focusing on retention, selection, and recruitment a group of locations can achieve measurable success in a 16-week coaching process.

One recent client had eight locations in our weekly virtual coaching process. The focus started with each location team insuring a successful 90-day protection program was in place for new hires. Then the focus moved to successful selection of the right individuals and stopping any “inappropriate quick hires”. Recruitment of the correct individuals using a team approach became the final major focus. When the organization was able to engage local teams, work on weekly assignments, complete accountable reporting, receive customized specific coaching and celebrate success there was a natural movement in positive results.

The organization had each of the eight locations select a Super Team of 5 to 7 individuals. This Super Team was led by the Administrator and was responsible for the overall implementation of the 16-week process in their location. The Super Team had managers/supervisors but also had a couple of great coworkers involved such as a nursing assistant or nurse. The Director of Nursing was on each Super Team.

Each team was involved every week on a virtual coaching session with the Maun-Lemke consultants. The teams got to brag out their results, share their learning opportunities and showcase their unique methods for implementing the weekly assignments.

By this sharing process, each team was able to learn from each other and also receive significant positive feedback on their accomplishments. The leaders from the organization’s home office and regional teams were also involved to provide additional recognition to the teams.

The ongoing mood of the 45-minute weekly video coaching was one of fun, learning and recognition. At the end of each weekly video meeting the Maun-Lemke consultants went over the 2-3 assignments to be completed by each team during the following week. After the video meeting each team stayed together for a few minutes on their own to talk about ideas gathered and the responsibilities of the team to complete the assignments for the next week.

Between weekly video meetings the Maun-Lemke consultants were in contact with each location team to coach on methods for success, customization of assignments, barrier removal and opportunities for their success.

On the day prior to each weekly video meeting each team submitted a weekly scorecard report and progress notes on their assignment work. The scorecard clearly measures:

  1. Hiring in targeted positions for the week
  2. New Hire Separations (hopefully zero for the week)
  3. Absence in the targeted positions
  4. Agency Spend and hours for the week for targeted positions
  5. Vacancy count for the targeted positions
  6. Leadership Rounding
  7. Employee Referrals for targeted positions

In addition, the teams submitted, not only progress notes for this week’s assignments, but also updates on past week’s assignments. Upon submission, each location team received written feedback, that same day, by the Maun-Lemke consultants. This feedback provided support, recognition, strategic questions and suggestions for ongoing success.

The teams met, in a rapid fashion, throughout each week as needed, to ensure their assignment work was being completed successfully. All teams, as necessary, involved additional coworkers throughout the initiative to help with the assignment work. This really increased engagement and ownership in the process by many coworkers.

Each team named their Super Team a fun name which they used to create enthusiasm. Several even had costumes depicting their Super Team name. Each location team created a scoreboard in their center that used their Super Team name and showcased a variety of results, brags, and stories of success. Each team also held ongoing rallies at their scoreboard to insure fun and recognition of accomplishment was ever present.

  • Energy levels were very high
  • Engagement in the success grew week by week
  • Buy in related to a “can do” attitude was present in the team and other coworkers
  • Teams were able to weekly brag on their results and learning lessons

The results were dramatic in all the critical metrics required to ensure staffing success. Naturally, there were learning lessons, opportunities to rethink certain practices and change methods. The teams became very engaged and were able to restore hope and positivity.

This organization achieved the following success for 8 locations during the 16-weeks:

  1. 225 New Hire Starts
  2. Agency Spend reduction of $85,000 per week after 16 weeks which is a 47% reduction
  3. 9% Annualized New Hire Turnover after 90-day new hire protection was in place
  4. 26% Absence Reduction by the end of 16 weeks

The organization implemented sustainability plans with each location to ensure ongoing success. They have continued their success and have gone through a successful journey to refresh, stabilize and thrive.

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