Maun Lemke Maun Lemke Maun Lemke

Cheryl Boldt, RN

Do recurring issues in the form of sticky notes, passive/aggressive e-mails, and short novels on organizational dysfunction greet you at the door when you come to work each day? Have you ever made any of the following statements:
  • “I feel like the day hits me in the face the minute I walk in the door”.
  • “Everyday seems like “Ground Hog Day” around here!”
  • “Someone put Miracle Grow on my list of things to do!”
If the answer is YES to any of the above, then this session is for you!

If you are employed in a role which provides “Service to Seniors” you are automatically in a leadership position. As we plan our journey together we need to include an awareness of how our behavior can act as a role model in our work place and community. Regardless of your “position” you have influence over many people, decisions, and systems. A “franchise” approach to how we interact and treat others will elevate respect and trust from our customers, potential customers, co-workers, and even our family and friends.

You can become a role model and master at “Leading the Journey” each day and teach others to do the same. Senior Service Professionals in all roles and in all settings are capable of embracing change and leaving work with a sense of accomplishment! Leadership should be a part of our hiring, orientation, and ongoing performance evaluations for all roles. And yes, your organization can make “Empowerment” “Involvement” and “Accountability” a daily habit as you develop the leadership potential that surrounds you!


At the completion of this program the participants will be able to:
  1. Measure and manage chaos through proactive leadership instead of traditional management approaches.
  2. Apply “personal” leadership habits to daily situations we face in Senior Service.
  3. Leverage the strength of all Senior Service Professionals by utilizing dynamic customer satisfaction approaches to:
  4. Involving front line staff in problem solving.
  5. “Handling Negative Attitudes”.
  6. Implementing conflict management techniques and eliminating passive aggressive behavior.
This session is for Senior Service Professionals, in ANY role and includes a power point presentation, handouts, lecture, real life examples, group interaction, and humor. The length of the session can be customized to run 2 hours to a full day. The audiovisual needs are an LCD, screen, flip chart, and clip-on microphone.

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