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Currently Popular Programs

Below are some of Cheryl’s most popular programs:

The A.R.M.S. Length Difference
-What it Takes to Succeed as the Post-Acute Provider of Choice

The Rules of 3: Creating a Great First Impression
-Ensure your customers get started with the best foot forward

Finders Keepers: The “Absolutes” of Retention, Selection, and Recruitment
-Learn Strength-Based Recruitment techniques

The Administrator and Director of Nursing
-"Daring to be Great Business Partners!"

Wipe Out Readmissions to the Hospital
-The Partnership where Everyone Wins

Cheryl also has many Clinical and People-based programs available as well. See below:

Clinical Programs

-What you don't know hurts!

-Try it, you won't like it

Perfecting your Pressure Ulcer System
-Stay "on top" of Compliance

-Mock it up for success

**Also available as a Consulting Program (See Flyer for more information )

People Programs

5 Steps to Creating New Revenue Sources (Flyer )
-Uncover the hidden profit opportunities you already possess

Activity Professionals: Building a Winning Team (Flyer )
-Get a move on!

Avoiding the Seven Deadly Sins of Nursing Burnout
-Improving Career Longevity for Nurses

Delegate for Team Based Motivation & Results
-"How not to do the job everyone thinks you should be doing."

Developing and Maintaining a Customer Base
-The Review of Key Systems to Support Census Stability

Director of Nursing Service Leading the Day
-Learn to be a Master Leader

Directors of Nursing Service
-How to find them and keep them

Eliminate "It's Not My Job" from Your Team's Vocabulary
-Accountability is everyone's job

Enhanced Dining
-Beyond the Cloth Napkin!

Evenings and Weekends: Integral Times Within 24/7
-How to make sure every minute counts

Experts Driving Medicare Outcomes with Team-Based Admission Assessment
-Learn to use a "Team of Experts" to Facilitate Safe Transitions

"Get Centered"
-How to Remain Focused on those we serve

Keep the Magic in Nursing
-Be Inspired and Inspire Others

Leading the Journey
-Leadership for Senior Service Professionals

Licensed Nurses
-Stepping Up & Out of the Box

Marketing is Everyone’s Job!
-Put team-based marketing to work for you!

Nurses Leading the Day
-Learn to be a Master Leader

Nursing Leadership
-What they did not teach you in school!

Nursing Legacy
-The Transformation from Novice to Expert Nurse

One Great Unit
-Improving Organizational Performance by Eating the Elephant "One Bite at a Time"

Onward and Upward
-Teaming for Person-Centered Care

Stepping up to the Plate: 24/7 Leadership in Nursing
-Foster nursing leadership skills to help propel organizational success

Strengthen your Intergenerational Workforce: The ABC's of the Boomers through Z's (Flyer )
-Put the strengths of varied backgrounds to positive use for your customers!

Taking on "Trauma Queens and Time Wasters"
-Create an Effective Workplace Environment

For more information, contact Kathy Cain at 800-356-2233.

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