Maun Lemke Maun Lemke Maun Lemke

Cheryl Boldt, RN, NHA
Long term care organizations are doing a great job of supporting and encouraging the career paths of their employees and working vigorously to attract and recruit qualified staff. Many leaders find themselves “in charge”, and to further complicate matters, directly supervising staff who may be their former peers, considerably older or younger, or more experienced in healthcare. Today’s workforce is comprised of many generations and genders, each with their own unique strengths and weaknesses.

We can successfully lead and educate a team-focused workforce of Generation Boomers I and II, X, Y, and even Z to provide quality care for Transitional Care patients and Long Term Care residents who may be from the Depression Era, World War II, post war, or are Boomers I. This session will start you on the path of bridging gaps and strengthening your intergenerational workforce, who are in turn serving an intergenerational customer base! 

If you want valuable insight into the steps you can take to build a dynamic team by capitalizing on the talents of all generations, this is the session for you.

By the completion of this session, participants will be able to:
  1. Identify major differences between life experiences of multi-generations – Depression Era to Generation Z
  2. Take steps to identify and use the individual talents of employees from all generations and genders in teams to achieve organizational goals
  3. Implement 5 Code of Conduct and Respect expectations which build successful teams and drive accountability, regardless of age or role in the facility
The targeted audience for this session includes long term care administrators and department leaders, consultants to long term care, Directors of Nursing, Staff Development and Human Resources, Charge Nurses, and front line staff who work in all roles. This presentation includes lecture, humor, group discussion, and individual action planning. The session length is 1.5 hours.

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