Maun Lemke Maun Lemke Maun Lemke

Cheryl Boldt

"I am so glad to see all of you, we're going to have a great day today!"
"Let's quit complaining and get busy, we have work to do!"
"Let's get that problem solved and tell others how we did it!"
Would you be surprised to hear statements like this from your team members? There are a limited number of hours in a workday. How much time does your team waste related to poor start up behavior, "chasing your tail" communication, and dealing ineffectively with problems that keep coming back to haunt you.

"Trauma Queens" love to create and live in chaos and are experts at finding problems with no mention of possible solutions. "Time Wasters" spend time and energy on many things other than the work at hand. These types of individuals erode your organization's productivity, customer base, and morale.

If you are interested in creating a workplace environment that will support remarkable events such as starting and completing work on time, having fun at work, and getting the front line to solve problems…then this is the session for you!

Implement proven practices that will help move your Healthcare Organization from chaos to collaboration!

OBJECTIVES - By the end of this session the participant should be able to:
  • Implement team based " Start Up Routines" and "Huddles"
  • Implement "Come With Me" and the "Five Step" approaches to problems solving
  • Coach employees within your organization on how to deal with negativity and create a positive work environment
This presentation includes a power point presentation and handouts, interactive storytelling, role play, lecture, humor, and individual action planning. The session length is 1.5 hours. The targeted audience includes CEO's, Nursing Leaders, Department Leaders, Consultants to Long Term Care, and virtually any member of a Healthcare Organization's Team.

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