Maun Lemke Maun Lemke Maun Lemke

Cheryl Boldt RN, NHA

It is not easy to break even financially in Long Term Care, let alone make a… what is the word again, profit?  

This session will address in-store growth of Medicare A, Medicare B, capturing your case mix index for Medicaid, plus discuss additional viable opportunities to gain sorely needed revenue. Creating new revenue sources also enhances your reputation as the Provider of Choice! 

It’s possible to become a Healthcare Mall, i.e. one convenient location with a comprehensive variety of needed long term care services! During this session, you’ll consider the needs in your market area and think outside the box as you remove “nursing home” paradigms. You’ll get a jumpstart building upon what you now offer, while developing a plan for new revenue-generating services in your organization!

By the completion of this session, participants will be able to:
  1. Take steps to improve in-store growth of Medicare A, B, and Medicaid CMI
  2. Identify the needs of your market area to add new revenue-generating services
  3. Generate motivated team support to pilot new business services
The targeted audience for this session includes long term care administrators and department leaders, consultants to long term care, Directors of Nursing, Staff Development and Human Resources, Charge Nurses, and front line staff who work in all roles. This presentation includes lecture, humor, group discussion, and individual action planning. The session length is 1.5 hours.

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