Maun Lemke Maun Lemke Maun Lemke

Cheryl Boldt, RN, NHA

Activity professionals may feel there are never enough hours in the day to provide the necessary meaningful activities, fun and stimulation for the residents they serve. Some activity professionals believe other departments do not provide enthusiastic support toward residents’ leisure time recreation and gratification. And, Administrators often are faced with concerns from Activity Professionals about the lack of variety in activity calendars. All in all, Activities often feel they’re not taken seriously; which may or may not be the case.

To assure residents have a meaningful life in their “home” it requires sincere efforts from a team of staff from all departments working together 24 hours a day. It is everyone’s job. Join us as we take on turf, territory, and time in a fun way to avoid looming “ruts in the road”, win team support and assure residents and short-stay patients have a full and vital life! Ask your Administrator to join you at this session.

At the completion of this session participants will be able to:
  1. Understand the differences between Activities and “meaningful” life interventions and interactions
  2. Involve individuals from all departments to promote and participate in meaningful life interventions for those we serve
  3. Learn 3 different strategies for using activity time for individual residents and groups to achieve meaningful life goals
This session will use lecture, humor, group interaction, individual action planning, a PowerPoint presentation and handouts. The targeted audience is Activity Professionals, Administrators, and any team member in long term care.

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