Maun Lemke Maun Lemke Maun Lemke

Cheryl Boldt

Residents in nursing facilities spend the greatest part of their awake time in meal related activities such as preparing to go to a meal, consuming the meal, and meeting after meal needs. We can conservatively estimate at least 6 hours a day is devoted to actual meal services and at least another half hour related to between meal snacks. There are multiple clinical risks and customer satisfaction outcomes which are dependent upon your ability to "pull off" a great nutrition experience for those you "serve". In this session you'll learn creative time and cost efficient approaches to providing dining experiences our customers will enjoy and certainly deserve.


By the completion of this session each participants will be able to:
  1. Identify how the current staff resources can be used for memorable and satisfying dining experiences for rhe residents
  2. Customize the meal service to meet individual psychosocial and physical needs
  3. Identify key clinical and customer satisfaction outcomes directly linked to dining
  4. Utilize meal service to improve interdepartmental teamwork
  5. Learn how to keep the momentum going once new programs for meal service are implemented
This presentation includes lecture, group discussion and individual action planning.

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