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Cheryl Boldt, RN, NHA

If you have a great Director of Nursing it makes life at the facility very good for the residents, staff, and the administrator. The successful DNS possesses some definite personality traits. You should actively look for these traits when you recruit a Director of Nursing. Strategies for DNS recruitment will also be shared. If you are fortunate enough to have a great DNS who knows how to gain the support of staff and customers, then what can you do to assure this individual grows, and stays, in your organization? In addition, the most successful DNSs help other nurses grow as leaders. A DNS's longevity is directly affected by having others he or she can rely on. And don't forget that ever important relationship that exists with their supervisor, the facility Administrator.

At the completion of this program, participants will be able to:
  1. Identify 5 key personality traits possessed by successful DNSs, and how to determine if a candidate possesses them
  2. Identify strategies to use when recruiting a DNS
  3. Assist a DNS with a career development plan that will assist them in growing personally and professionally
  4. Identify the top 5 things a DNS can do daily to gain support from those he/she leads.
  5. Learn more about what a DNS looks for and expects from their supervisor, the facility Administrator.
This presentation includes lecture, group discussion and individual action planning.

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