Maun Lemke Maun Lemke Maun Lemke

Cheryl Boldt

It is possible to have a deficiency free survey or one with few deficiencies of a low scope and severity. The preparation process should occur throughout the year, involve all staff, and be fun!
Every facility can benefit from an actual Mock Survey Process to better prepare for the real event.

By the completion of this session, each participant will be able to:
  1. Identify the key systems needed for survey preparedness
  2. Be able to lead a facility team in a Mock Survey Process
  3. Assist the facility QA & A Committee in monitoring survey prep tasks
  4. Conduct Survey Drills
  5. Improve facility confidence related to surveys
This presentation includes lecture, group discussion and individual action planning.

Learn how Cheryl’s 2-Day Mock Survey Process Consulting Program can help get your facility ready.

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