Maun Lemke Maun Lemke Maun Lemke

Cheryl Boldt

Join Cheryl as she discusses the daily sins committed that shortens the careers of nurses in the healthcare profession.

If you utter a daily prayer on your way to work for customers that do not complain, an act of congress to repeal all Federal Regulations, 9 meds or less per resident, and a perfect C.N.A. workforce that never needs supervision, then this is the session for you!

What can Charge Nurses not do, to stay working in healthcare until they are dragged, kicking, and screaming into forced retirement at an old age? Let’s review the SEVEN DEADLY SINS and how to avoid them…so we can prevent Charge Nurse Burnout and improve career longevity for nurses.

By the end of this session the participants will be able to:
  1. Identify the Seven Deadly Sins that cause nurse burnout.
  2. Identify actions that can be taken to overcome each Deadly Sin.
  3. Develop an individual action plan to preserve longevity.
  4. Recognize signs of burnout in other Charge Nurses and provide individual coaching.
This session includes a powerpoint presentation, handouts, lecture, storytelling, humor, and group discussion.

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