Maun Lemke Maun Lemke Maun Lemke

Cheryl Boldt

If you want to know how to design a vehicle for financial success in your Long Term Care facility - this is the session for you!  Medicare A is a key driver of financial success for Long Term Care Organizations.  In this session we will review easy "Start-Up" techniques with “Hoop Free” admission decisions and the "Rules of 3" approach to great first impressions after admission.  

Session information also includes how to achieve the right length of stay for a safe transition to the targeted discharge destination.  Seal the lead position in your targeted market by using the strength of your Tran disciplinary Team to achieve financial success.


At the completion of this presentation, the participants will be able to:

1.    Take the appropriate steps to implement a Hoop Free Admissions process for Medicare A customers.
2.    Design a process which will assure a great first impression for the new admission and their family.
3.    Use the Tran disciplinary Team to drive a safe transition to the targeted destination after the right length of stay.

This presentation includes lecture, group discussion and individual action planning.

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