Maun Lemke Maun Lemke Maun Lemke

Cheryl Boldt, RN, NHA

A Director of Nursing ‘Leads the Day’ by empowering licensed nurses to ‘Lead the Shift’. Sound great!  How can we make this happen? Start by listening to what Directors of Nursing are saying:

“The day hits me in the face the minute I walk in the door!”
“My day manages me rather than the other way around!”
“Every day is Ground Hog Day!”
“I would love to leave work with a sense of accomplishment!”
“How can I teach people common sense and critical thinking?”
“I spend most of my time solving everybody else’s problems!”
It is possible to minimize chaos through proactive leadership. As the leader of many and role model to all, the Director of Nursing is directly responsible for the clinical systems and communication processes necessary for great clinical, financial and customer satisfaction outcomes. The DNS and key nursing leaders significantly influence the pride of front line staff and revenue opportunities of the organization.

Learn how to provide the support and guidance necessary for Directors of Nursing to become savvy leaders who develop and leverage the strengths of competent professionals. Their success in mentoring these leaders to recruit, hire, train, empower, hold accountable, and ‘walk the talk’ is directly related to achievement of their personal mission and goals, and ultimately the financial success of their organization.

Gain valuable insight on how Directors of Nursing can master the art of ‘Leading the Day’ so they can, in turn, teach others to do the same.

At the completion of this program, participants will be able to:
  1. Effectively teach personal leadership habits rather than traditional management to Directors of Nursing and other nursing leaders.
  2. Identify how proactive leadership within the nursing team minimizes chaos throughout the organization.
  3. Guide the Director of Nursing in the implementation of effective crosschecks and communication practices.
  4. Assist the Director of Nursing in leveraging the strengths of nursing professionals to enhance teaming within the organization.
  5. Take steps to assist Directors of Nursing to enhance the Revenue Growth Opportunities needed for financial viability.
This presentation will incorporate lecture, humor, group discussion and individual action planning. The targeted audience includes Directors of Nursing and any long term care professional who supports the DNS in his or her role. The session length can be customized as needed for your organization or association.

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