Maun Lemke Maun Lemke Maun Lemke

Cheryl Boldt RN, LNHA

Outcome Data related to Organizational Performance is available to be used by your Front-line Team Members, as well as those in Executive Leadership roles. Phrases like “data sets you free”, “toot your own horn”, and “keep your ears to the ground” have never rung more true than with today’s fast paced and multi-faceted changes in healthcare. Don’t make the mistake of not tapping into the power of your front-line, in addition to the usual keepers/sharers of data… the management team. If you don’t manage your data, it will manage you.

If you don’t actively share your positive outcomes, inaccurate data, or your not-so-positive outcomes could be shared for you. You have a wealth of knowledge at your fingertips - the key is how you use it to drive success, inside and out, with your current customers, potential customers, your neighbors, referral sources, and your strategic partners. Join us for a quick look at how you can effectively and efficiently use your Outcome Data to drive organizational success in your market.

At the completion of this program, the participants will be able to:
  1. Identify your priority Outcome Data
  2. Take steps to effectively share your priority Outcome Data with your Employees, Patients/Residents and Families
  3. Identify Targeted Locations, Groups, Persons in your community to build relationships with that will result in referrals
  4. Identify Strategic Business Partners and take the needed steps to build relationships that result in business growth
  5. Implement the utilization of Partnership Scorecards

This session length can be customized for 1 or 1.5 Hours. The Targeted Audience includes front-line staff from all departments and disciplines, Department Managers/Directors, Administrators, CEOs, CFOs, Directors of Nursing, Directors of Business Development, Marketing Team Members from Skilled Nursing Facilities, Assisted Living Facilities, and CCRCs, as well as Corporate Support Teams and Executive Leaders. The session includes a PowerPoint presentation, lecture, handouts, group discussion, and personal action planning.

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