Dear Mr. Maun:

On behalf of the National Association of State Veterans Homes, I wish to extend my sincere thanks for your wonderful presentation at our 2008 Winter Conference.  

You have educated us.  You have motivated us.  You have inspired us!  

In all my years with NASVH, I have never seen such a strong presentation.  On the continuing education evaluations returned to us after your briefing, the marks given by attendees showed a near-perfect 5.0 on a 0-to-5 scale, which is an all-time high for NASVH speakers.  Congratulations on a job very well done!

I attach a few photographs from our event and hope that you will consider joining us again soon.  Your friendship and support are very important to our community.

Thanks again for contributing so significantly to the success of our event.   

Best Regards,


Gary Robertson

National Association of State Veterans Homes
5211 Auth Road
Suitland, Maryland 20746
301-899-8136 fax
National Association of State Veterans Homes

On behalf of the members, staff and board of IAHSA, IALFA & HOPE, I would like to thank you once again for speaking at the 2009 Spring Conference & Trade Show. Below we have compiled the attendee evaluations from your session for your review. Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you once again for providing quality education to our members and for helping to make our Spring Conference a success!

Session: 4F: Growing Your Medicare Business: Proven Case Examples
Comments: Speaker had concrete things to offer from real life experiences.

Session: 5F: WORKFORCE 21: Recruitment, Selection and Retention of Quality
Comments: Clint always gets his point across - once again, things that we can take back to our homes and use. Delightful presentation and a solid plan for change.

Emilie Perkins -Director of Training & Special Events Indiana Association of Homes and Services for the Aging

Thank you so much for speaking at our 29th Annual Medical Staff and Governance Leadership Conference (MSGLC). As you know, people find it increasingly difficult to get aw ay because there are so many demands being placed on their time. Consequently, it is very important that we do not disappoint them when they set the time aside for our conference. The Conference was very successful, and you played a large part in the success. The participants said that it was very worthwhile to have attended.

Your Sunday evening keynote address set just the right tone and got the Conference off to a great start. It was so funny to watch the audience because I could see that they were not sure whether they should laugh. Eventually, they could not help but to laugh and see the humor in what you had to say.

The feedback I got was that you were terrific on Monday too. I was really sorry that I was not able to sit in on you Monday morning session because I had to make sure that everything was set to go for the general session in the other ballroom. I heard that you were even better in the follow-up session than in the keynote because you got down to giving people very practical ideas and tips on leadership.

Inviting you to speak at our 29th Annual MSGLC turned out to be a good decision because you did an excellent job at both sessions.

Stella Y. Spear
Vice President
Maryland Healthcare Education Institute

Clint, I would like to thank you for such an awesome talk. What a great way to start the morning! I know that I will be reviewing my notes so that I can implement these 7 keys with my employees. I would have to say the one that pertains to my department the best is #6. The techniques that were discussed will definitely help within my department. By putting humor into the workshop made it very appealing and easy to retain the information. I was so excited to come back and tell my boss! I look forward to receiving your information via e-mail.

Thanks again,
Raymalee Frank, R.T. (R), Radiologic Technical Supervisor Mount Nittany Medical Center

"Clint may be interested to know that of the 16 speakers who presented over the course of 4 days, he was rated the highest. On a 1 (poor) to 4 (excellent) scale, Clint received an outstanding 3.9!"

Daniel H. Irwin Executive Vice President ACTS Retirement-Life Communities

I have been the administrator at a nursing home in rural Wisconsin for 3 months. There was a great deal of dysfunction & turmoil when the leadership team attended your seminar in Eau Claire, WI on July 26th. Staffing practices were grossly inefficient, ineffective & definitely mismanaged. We used agency on a daily basis ~ sometimes on 2 shifts in 1 day. We were definitely struggling to find our path.

I knew all this when I accepted the position, but I also knew that if staff leaders could be empowered & would invest in a new path, we would be successful in changing our culture. My goal was to be the Employer of Choice for our area by January, 2006.

The 7 individuals who attended with me were non-believers in "the system" as I described previous experiences. They snickered when I talked about empowering & engaging staff in the decisions & direction of our facility, but they were hungry to read articles I would print from your website. Several times each day I would share my goal. When I spoke with you in Eau Claire, you reiterated strategies & offered encouragement to see the process through to the end.

I am very happy to say we are now fully staffed & holding applications until we're ready to hire again. The quality of care as improved. The staff feels invested in the facility and readily accepts opportunities to serve in leadership positions. We have openly welcomed newcomers & have a great mentoring program in place.

It took us 33 days to reach our staffing goals. It is important to note that during this time, we turned down several aides & nurses, including a few RNs. We "fired" 3 agency nurses who did not meet our standards for resident care. We did team interviews using behavior-based questions. When faced with questions regarding history or behavior, we spent time discussing how it relates to work habits, attendance, etc. For the most part, we ran with the idea that "History tends to repeat itself".

I am proud of the staff for choosing to work with less-than-desired staffing & not 'settle' to have "another body" on the floor so they could have a day off. To reward our awesome staff we are looking at restructuring our scheduling practices to include 12 hours shifts, as requested by the staff.

Clint, the former staffing coordinator told the staff (& me) that advertising was futile because there was no one interested in working at our facility. We have hired 9 people (5 CNAs & 4 Nurses) in 33 days & we replaced that worthless staffing coordinator, too! For the first time in more than 2 years, this facility has a full nursing staff (+) our own internal pool.

We get interesting looks when new employees get their orientation packets. We include your article, "FAIR", & our P=S policy. Charge nurses also receive "Are You In Charge" & "7 Sets up 17". We lay out the expectation for open communication & problem-solving during the interview process & reiterate it during orientation. We've had a couple of knock-down, drag-outs (in private areas), but they were healthy & resolved some long-standing problems.

Thank you for doing what you do & helping us to be better at what we do. If you walk through our building you might see staff giving each other the "co-dependent wave", or poking fun at BMG'ers by helping them "count" ~ usually related to how many residents they're caring for instead of the number of staff on duty. But I guarantee that you will hear staff telling BMG'ers to "Get over it & get busy". We don't tolerate the whining anymore! I am happy to say that we are a team & our focus is our residents & their families.

We will be building a new facility & expanding our services. We are in the early stages of fundraising & foundation-building, so the timing with our new attitude & direction is perfect. We are garnering community & professional support for our project. People ~ families, friends, volunteers ~ have noticed the staff walking taller, showing pride in their work and all the new faces. They are telling us that they notice the difference & are vocal about supporting our building project.

We have plenty to celebrate & we appreciate the insight we've received from you...through your seminar & articles.

Thanks again.
Lisa Wiser
L.O. Simenstad Nursing Care

"Once again, Clint Maun was a hit with Maine Health Care Association! His presentation was fabulous! Nearly 150 participants traveled to Augusta to hear "the man from Omaha" and their comments to me throughout the day were extremely positive. Many of our administrators who saw Clint in October 2002 sent their staff members this time. Participants were arriving in vanloads! They loved Clint's high energy, his humor, and his realistic portrayal of "life at the home."

Linda Y. Scott Director of Education Maine Health Care Association

First heard Clint speak at a VHCA seminar 1 year ago - took a suggestion and put it into practice - let staff hire staff - started this immediately after the session - so we finished the year lowering our turnover from 47.4% building wide to 29.7% - and reduced LNA turnover by 13% alone!! Staff very much are vested in new employees and their success is the veteran staff’s goal now - much happier workplace as well - not constantly retraining.

-Rose Mary Mayhew Bel-Aire Center - Genesis Health Care

"I am still hearing rave reviews regarding Clint's program content, delivery and all around knowledge of our industry. I will have a very hard time finding another speaker for our annual convention who can meet Clint's talents."

Yrene E. Waldron, NHA
Executive Director
Delaware Health Care Facilities Association

"As always, Clint has exceeded expectations and we are looking forward to his wonderfully witty words of wisdom at our upcoming staff retreat. Clint is a master at analyzing our board members and bringing out the best in our CEO's. It was such a great thing to listen to someone who actually knows and understands healthcare and housing and all the issues surrounding that.

Gladys DeRidder, Executive Director Christian Living Communities

"The workshop was fantastic - very lively, funny" One person said, "Can't wait to try some things." This session is a must for anyone who needs to improve their communication skills and be reinvigorated, challenged and entertained all at the same time. Participants definitely realize specific ideas for immediate implementation. Mr. Maun can get a topic or idea across so all can understand it and use what he presents."

Maureen Mooney-Myers - Western New York Foundation for Homes & Svcs. For the Aging

Thank you so much Clint!  I work as an LPN at NHC Place in Farragut, Tennessee.  I had the pleasure and honor of absorbing a conference DVD used during Level 2 Supervisory Training.  I just had to locate your company's website and communicate to you my gratitude and enjoyment concerning your demonstration and speech concerning customer satisfaction.  Keep doing what you're doing and God bless you!  You have single-handedly encouraged me to stay positive, participate daily in keeping it that way, learn and leave the past, and not only encourage, but teach others to do the same.  I wish you further success.  Sincerely, Ginger Roberts

NHC Place

3708 W. Brooks Place
Sioux Falls, SD  57106

April 29, 2008
Mr. Clint Maun
8031 W. Center Rd, Suite 222      
Omaha, NE  68124

Dear Mr. Maun,
I am writing to thank you for speaking at our recent conference.  You were very popular with our attendees.  We received many complements on the quality of this year’s event with several participants remarking that this was “the best” Continuing Care Conference that our organization has offered.  I believe that your performance contributed to our overall success. 
Attendees evaluate the conference sessions and speakers on a scale of 4 (Excellent) to 1 (Poor).  The average of the evaluation scores for your sessions ranged from 3.83 to 4.0.   We received several write in comments about you and the sessions, all of which were positive.  One participant wrote that have an “excellent way of combining humor with the real issues” another said “all I can say is WOW”. 
I believe that you are doing a wonderful job of sharing your inspiration and insight with providers who are obviously benefiting from it.  Thank you very much for sharing your gift with us. 

Best regards,
Wendy Hoe
South Dakota Association of Healthcare Organizations

"Our members loved you and want you to return to Hershey! The comments also reflect that your presentations helped tremendously to make this program a success. I have never seen such an overwhelming response to a speaker."

Mary Ann Birt
The Hospital & Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania

"Just a note of thanks for the wonderful presentation you made to the staff. I know for a fact that both the staff and the residents that attended not only enjoyed the time spent with you, but also took some very important concepts away with them."

Jane Ipsen CEO
Masonic Retirement Center of Washington

This letter is written to let you know about the superb quality presentation that Mr. Clint Maun, CSP can do for your organization. "Clint knows and genuinely believes in and cares about what he presents. More importantly he does it in such a phenomenally entertaining way that everyone enjoys it as well as understands what it is he is trying to tell them. People are still talking about him and how great it was to hear him. "Refreshing, Entertaining, Great, Timely, Pertinent" are but some of the words we've heard from the employees since his presentation."

Dennis A. Eibe, MHA, MSHR Director of Human Resources
Wesley Homes

How do I thank you for almost single-handedly making my convention a huge success? You had the right message at the right time; delivered it with incredible humor yet sincerity and provided content with "nuts and bolts." Wow! I couldn't be more pleased or impressed with your presentations and the evaluation summaries we just completed only reinforce what I already suspected: Our members loved you too! You received a perfect 5.0 rating for your general session presentation and a 4.9 for your afternoon workshop. Incredible scores! (Please feel free to quote me).

I've already been in touch with Kathy about having you come back out to do a full day program for our members - something that will help those "charge nurses get in charge!" I'm not sure if we'll make that happen this fall or if we'll wait until early 2001. I can guarantee we will have you back!!!

Please give my regards to Kathy who was a delight to work with and was always responsive to my requests. I look forward to working with you again soon!

Kyle Dooley Kinder
Vice President

Arizona Hospital Association

"I cannot express to you how happy I am that I decided to have you make presentations at our WHCA 48th Annual Convention. Your evaluations are unbelievable, ranking near perfect scores. I wish I could provide a way in which I could put you in front of every long term care employee in this great state of Wisconsin."

George W. (Skitch) MacKenzie
Wisconsin Health Care Association

"I was extremely pleased with the comments I heard after your presentations, which included such words as "excellent," "fantastic," "tremendous," "amazing." Our conference attendees were so infatuated with you and your presentation style, they wanted to investigate your availability for next year's conference!"

Jeffrey L. Heishman
Director of Education
Pennsylvania Assn. of Non-Profit Homes for the Aging

"You hit a grand slam by all accounts with your presentation. On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest, participants rated your session a 4.67 for content and a 5.0 for delivery. You have the distinct honor of being the only speaker in recent memory to receive a perfect 5 rating! Some of the written comments we received were as follows: "Concrete suggestions, valuable take home tools." "Excellent!"

Carol M. Sinclair
Director of Education
Maine Hospital Association

"The comment on your session that I love (and can relate to) is: "Excellent! Mr. Maun can't be beat! I got up at 4:30 a.m. to be sure I got there in time to hear him, and I like to sleep in."

Carla Berg Pope
Director of Education & Convention

Iowa Health Care Association

"As you can see from the summary sheet you were a big hit. You had 47 out of 50 ratings of 5. I believe these are the highest ratings for a seminar yet. We have heard nothing but raves about the seminar and everyone wants to know when you'll be coming back."

David A. Flippin
Director of Professional Development

Mississippi Health Care Association

I just wanted to say thank you to you for your fabulous & amazing presentation yesterday for Mariner Day 2004. Everyone loved your attention to detail, main messages & insights, quick wit, and silver tongued phrasing that made lightning look like it needed the energizer bunny!!!! They loved the way you engaged them, and blew them away with how most speakers come talk at or around a subject matter, but you really knew your stuff precisely and minutely! The "Kleinites" will never be the same! (...and I don't think I have ever seen Guy laugh so hard!)

I was wondering if there is a possibility if you could send to me some of your handouts, buttons, and cards that you brought to the presentation? I was busy doing the event and was not able to get over to see them.

Please know how much we really enjoyed having you as our keynote! I hope you get some rest and down time soon! Safe Journey!

Kathleen Harman
Mariner Day 2004


I'm happy I paid Clint in obviously inspired him to "great heights".

Our evaluation forms are very "simplistic". We ask that attendees to rank --
1 -- excellent
2 -- average
3 -- could be improved
in two "areas" presentation/style and content helpful to me in my role

Here are the results from the two groups to which Clint presented:

Leadership teams - 59 completed evaluations
56 rated Clint a 1 on presentation | 3 rated him a 2 in presentation
57 rated Clint a 1 relative tot he value of his content | 2 rated him a 2

There were another 39 evaluations from Board Members for his afternoon presentation:
38 rated Clint a 1 on presentation | 1 rated him a 2
34 rated Clint a 1 relative to the value of his content | 5 rated him a 2

Seems to me that he was well received

If you have any questions, get in touch.

Please greet Clint from all of us here at Regional Health - and tell him (again) thanks for doing such a great job. Happy Holidays to you, Clint and all who were so helpful as we did this event.

Regional Health

On behalf of THCA and our members, thank you for presenting at our 16th Annual Conference for Department Heads held in Nashville on February 10, 2005. I am pleased to inform you that the scores for the seminar were very good and the response from the participants was extremely positive.

On our evaluation scale, which ranges from 1.0 (terrible) to 5.0 (excellent) you received a score of 4.7 for content and 4.5 for delivery. The seminar received an overall score of 4.2.

Comments from participants included:

Thank you again for your assistance with this conference. It was a true pleasure to be able to review the evaluations and see how much the attendees enjoyed listening to you and being a part of this. There was an overwhelming verbal response that your presentation was very informational. I look forward to being able to collaborate with you on future projects. Until we are able to work together again, please let me know if I can do anything for you.

Sandee Leland
Tennessee Health Care Association

Another great job! It's been great working with you both and I'll be in touch regarding our National Conference.

Thank you.

Clint Maun - Comments - Session 1

Excellent - very positive presentation
Great knowledgeable speaker.
Clint gave many important pieces of information in a very humorous way.
I haven't laughed this hard in a long time, and learned soooo much!

Session 2

Entertaining while helpful
I think it would be wonderful for front line care providers to meet Clint and hear him.
I feel energized and ready to go back and continue feeding the fire for change.
Very powerful and caused me to reflect on my own behavior

Click here for more information.
Click here for more information.

Lori Gordon
Press Ganey Associates, Inc.

Thank you for speaking at the Washington Association of Housing and Services for the Aging (WAHSA) Winter Conference in Olympia, February 21. WAHSA is committed to providing quality education to our members. To that end, we survey participants during the conference, and as expected, your sessions both earned high ratings for their content and delivery.

We use a rating system of 1-5, with 5 being "Strongly Agree".

General Session: "7 Keys to Personal Success & Happiness in a Healthcare Job"
  1. I gained new, relevant information. 4.44
  2. The presenter knew the topic and was able to relate it to industry issues. 4.80
  3. The presenter interacted with participants and was responsive to questions. 4.44
  4. Speaker materials and presentation were easy to follow and useful. 4.56
  5. I have take-aways that will improve my professional effectiveness. 4.53
  6. I would recommend this topic for a future workshop or conference. 4.73
  7. I would recommend this speaker for a future workshop or conference. 4.85
Overall average rating: 4.62

Great start to conference - humor was "healthful"
Excellent! Very entertaining and engaging.
This was wonderful - I look forward to sharing ideas and concepts with others at work.
Very engaging - felt like he had "been there". Loved the use of humor to get points across.
Always fun and relevant.

Breakout Session: "7 Keys - Culture Change"
  1. I gained new, relevant information. 4.73
  2. The presenter knew the topic and was able to relate it to industry issues. 4.93
  3. The presenter interacted with participants and was responsive to questions. 4.6
  4. Speaker materials and presentation were easy to follow and useful. 4.64
  5. I have take-aways that will improve my professional effectiveness. 4.78
  6. I would recommend this topic for a future workshop or conference. 4.93
  7. I would recommend this speaker for a future workshop or conference. 4.93
Overall average rating: 4.79

Innovative ideas - to take back to facility.
Very good tools and suggestions to take home and implement.

Again, thank you for sharing your expertise with us at our Winter Conference.

I look forward to working with you again in the future.

Jeanie Belcher
Washington Association of Housing and Services for the Aging

"Way to go! You are the first speaker to ever achieve a perfect score!...You were the success of our conference...I have no words to express my gratitude for the mark of excellence and motivation you brought to this conference."

Janice Mashak
Wisconsin Assn. of Home & Services for the Aging

"Clint, you have a way of giving the attendees useful information and ideas they can actually use in their facilities while keeping it fresh and entertaining; they always want you back. When we asked attendees how the seminars could have been improved, we received comments like: "Nothing - in my seven years of attendance, Clint is # 1 above all others I've seen." And, "Please keep Mr. Maun on our conference agenda - he always brings something new!"

Cathy C. Westberry, RN, BSN Director of Administration Florida Health Care Association

I wanted to write express my pleasure I was given to participate in Clint Maun's presentation at the Sioux Valley Regional Health Services meeting in Sioux Falls, SD last week. Clint delivered eye-opening information to those in leadership roles regarding how to work as a team.

In my new role at Prairie Lakes Healthcare System in Watertown, SD as the Organizational Development Specialist, I am looking forward to encorporating Clint's comments and perhaps using him for future education seminars for our management team.

I would also like to send kudos to Cheryl Boldt. I worked with Cheryl during her employment with Beverly Healthcare, and she is an exceptional individual. She may also be a resource for us in the future.

Alison Gilbertson
Prairie Lakes Healthcare System

"Greetings! We were expecting great things from this seminar, and Clint delivered, even exceeding our expectations! He is such a dynamic, exciting presenter who knows the long term care business. Some of the comments we received on the program evaluation were: "Great! Right on, everyday problems addressed. Great Solutions." "Clint Maun is a wonderful speaker - he knows his business and he is able to give great suggestions for HC system."

Jane Roach, RN
Johnson City Medical Center

April 25, 2008

Clint Maun
Maun-Lemke, LLC
8031 W. Center Road
Suite 222
Omaha, NE 68124

Dear Clint:

Herrin Hospital would like to thank you for visiting us and speaking to our organization’s employees and management staff.  We are still hearing our staff and management talk about your message and you absolutely made an impression on them.  We still see people in the hallways “scrunching their nose up” and saying, “It’s not fair, it’s not fair”.

Your candor, your humor, and your message are impressive and draws attention to the issues that organizations everywhere face and need to hear.  We would highly recommend you and the message you bring to other organizations.

Again, thank you, and we look forward to seeing you and hearing you again.

Yours truly,

Teresa Lovellette
Human Resources Manager
Herrin Hospital
Herrin Hospital

"We truly enjoyed having Clint as our guest for our Inaugural Heart of Leadership Conference. The only negative I can think of is that he will be near impossible to improve on next year. Some participants left comments about the event: "Enjoyable - many interesting and good ideas to mull over will keep me on the think ball." "Excellent facility, great speaker very worthwhile." "We need more of this a Great!"

Jeffrey V. Zylstra
Royal Park Place/Royal Atrium Inn

"Applause! Applause! Applause! What a thrill it was to bring you to Johnstown! As expected, the evaluations brought high ratings and rave reviews! One week later, there is frequent reference to the tips shared during your presentation."

Louise Pugliese, RN, MSN Director of Education Memorial Medical Center

"You are always a favorite with the members of OHCA. Not only is your information timely, on target, and vital to survival in today's healthcare climate, your presentation is upbeat and lively - no sleepers in your sessions!"

Arlene Johnson, AAI
Oregon Health Care Association

"Fantastic! Those are the resounding words that came from the attendees' mouths. Your humor and motivational talk about leadership hit the target."

my C. Redfearn
Meeting Professionals International

"How can I adequately thank you enough for giving me the courage to reach out and become a leader with honesty, specific goals and consistency!"

Mary J. Love

Thank you so much for speaking at Idaho Health Care Association. Your presentations to our Medical Directors were perfect- I appreciate your willingness to customize. Clint's keynote was great- all reviews are positive- people loved having a "funny guy" who knows what he's talking about in LTC. All the nurses loved Cheryl's presentations too. We had a last minute cancellation of a renowned pressure ulcer speaker because of cancelled flights due to a hurricane where he was coming from. Cheryl was speaking at the same time and offered to add some material regarding systems to prevent pressure ulcers. No complaints regarding of a cancelled class! Wow! Thanks for saving my bacon!

Robert Vande Merwe
Executive Director
Idaho Health Care Association

"Clint's presentation was extremely well received. Participants enjoyed Clint's use of humor while discussing substantive issues. Attendees found your session excellent and motivating. You always present new and valuable information, and the attendees have asked us to "bring you back!" We enjoyed working with you and look forward to "bringing you back." We recommend you highly to any organization looking for a speaker with knowledge, wit and integrity. Thank you again for your efforts on our behalf."

Rose M. Hughes Executive Director Montana Healthcare Association

Hi Kathy (and Clint),

The MPRS society really enjoyed having Clint for a speaker. Everyone left very motivated and with quite a few “take aways” to use in their communities. We did not do formal evaluation sheets for his presentation (we honestly forgot) but all the feedback that we have gotten has been very positive. He is always an entertaining speaker and everyone learned a lot. The Dunwoody Village board member that attended enjoyed his fast pace and his humor. Our CEO and CFO just liked his entire presentation. We received NO bad comments!

Also, thank you so much for the goodies that you sent to me. I really appreciated them and am using the mug every day—


Elaine Kaiser, C.A.S.P., Director of Marketing
Dunwoody Village

MPRS Society

"Clint, I wanted to share with you that your visit and message was a resounding success. Several times a week I hear a reference to "BMGs" or the differences between the five generations we work with on a daily basis! Many thanks for your timely message and the fun you infused in the day.

Pamela J. Good, Director Resource Management/Special Projects
Susquehanna Health System


Clint, how can I order some more NO BMG buttons!

An update: We have been Agency Free since 7/10/06!!! We had a one year celebration in June. The staff got to hit Toni and I with pies for a price. We raised over $600 for the American Heart Fund.

Also, We have cut our Turnover by 50% from last FY.

Life is good at Richfield!

We are making a lot of $$$$ too as a by product of our efforts and according to our Qi's, State Surveys, and Family satisfaction survey, our patient care has improved immensely!!!!!

Thanks again for your help and support!

Richie Alba, Administrator
Richfield Recovery & Care Center

These comments were provided by employees at Crista Senior Community and were submitted by Robert Howell.

"Just wanted to thank you for the Clint Maun Breakfast. I felt like I was able to walk away with a wealth of information.
So many things he said was such a good reminder that we are all a team, and we are here to love and care not only for our seniors but for each other as well. For myself and the drivers we have our BMG buttons in view as a reminder of how we should respond to each other and in talking about others as well."

"I cannot being to say enough about the meeting with Clint Maun. It had to have been the fastest breakfast, and two and a half hours I have ever seen. I did not want it to end. I learned so much, and have been practicing all weekend to not be a "BMG" participant, of which I think sometimes is so easy to become. I also liked the "No Excuse Policy" and will also make that a new policy for me as well. As I was sitting there listening, I realized how I could become the Queen of excuses as well. I think another area that we all need to look at closely as it really hit home for me was the "About", "Avoid", "Through" conversations that we can all find easy to participate in. These 3 words play a big part in our day to day dealings through out the CCRC. I hope that we all came away from the time spent with Clint to know that "WITH" and "WE" should replace those 3 big words, and that the 5 Step Process is the only way to go.
I Thank you so much for having Clint come to CRISTA. I wish he could become a permanent staff member."

"Thank you for inviting Clint Maun over. It was a fun way of indirectly identifying our difficulties we experience on our day to day operation. Right now, based on my experience and observation a lot of issues we have are mostly forwared to the management. Although there are great improvements compared to past years, we still have a lot of work to do. Although our front line supervisors and Staff nurse are encouraged to make independent decision and problem solving within the area/level where the problem exist, we still encournter issues brought up to our department which could have been taken cared off within the unit and shift involve."

"I am very glad the supervisors and managers are there to hear how important problem solving right to it's source and using quick "Huddles" which encourages staff involvement and ownership. I love "huddles" I use it most of the time when I am on the floor. I believe in encouraging and empowering staff who performs the job themselves in finding solutions to problems involving the job the do. I would like to see more and m ore of "Huddles and P=S" happening."

"I like the idea that Clint spoke about how we talk to people. It is really easy to talk "at" or "to" people when in the work place. I am going to try to speak "with" people, especially with our residents. How to implement this? I am going to ask my peers to evaluation my conversations with them and with the residents. Also, ask them to correct me on the spot when appropriate."

"No question ~ HUDDLE! It's a new way of looking at a core management belief I hold, which is to solve the problem as close to the problem as possible. I'm going to give my staff a short devotional on the biblical foundation for the principle, and encourage them to exercise it."

"Thank you for the opportunity to meet Clint Maun, he was a great speaker. I like his idea of HUTTLES, I never played football but I'm sure it would be a real time saver. It would also create 'mini teams' with a sense of accomplishment immediately. I want to thank you for bringing Clint Maun for us. I know I enjoyed his message for both us and our staff and the way he did it with humor. Learning how we can work better together as a team across the entire CCRC was probably the most important thing I got from him. Remembering there we are not individual departments we all represent the entire CCRC picture.
The second thing I got from him was the way we talk with others & "What not to do" - Talk at others, talk to others, talk about others, avoiding people, and talking through other people.
Again, thank you for bringing him to CRISTA. I know I enjoyed him and that our staff really enjoyed him also.
"I got so much out of Clint's presentation on so many different levels, but if I were to capture a few key concepts that I will walk away with and implement, they would be the following:

  1. Don't bring a problem to upper mangement for discussion without offering a solution. Model this behavior and encourage it with staff when they pring problems to me.
  2. Quit wasting time on passive aggressive communication styles when dealing with issues i.e., talking about people and avoiding people. (I actually think I do an okay job with communicating effectively most of the time, but I admit that I saw myself in a few of his more unflattering examples...ouch...)
  3. I really like Clint's "huddle" idea. I think we crate too many useless meetings (and "new" policies) to deal with "issues" instead of just dealing with problems head on, right then and there, with the people who need to solve it. I also think we create too many useless forms as a knee jerk reaction to incidents or issues that come up.
  4. I really want to commit myself to improving the relationship nursing center has with assisted living. I think Clint has laid a wonderful foundation for us to really build upon and have future discussions.
I really like the idea of the huddles to solve problems. I will encourage my staff to use this method to solve problems" "I think the huddle concept is awesome. If the CCRC teams can huddle, less will go up to the Administrators. I am using this concept for fair housing and appropriate placement interviews for residential living. I am starting with a small huddle and then increasing the huddle to incorporate everyone. Thanks for having him come, I have not laughed so much in a long time, it was good for me."

Robert Howell

Crista Senior Community

"I wanted to express my sincere appreciation to you for speaking at our Planning Session! Not only were you motivational and inspirational but you imported so many marvelous ideas. Clint, you truly have uncommon vision. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed you.

Jeanne Ward Vice President Patient Care

Clint always does a great job...but this time was the best! There was alot of "substance" along with the laughs! Attendees remarked that they had lots of "take homes" to implement and that was the goal of this seminar! Mission accomplished!!!

As you can see from the evals.....OK Loves Clint!!!

Thanks Clint for a great program!

Mary Brinkley

"Thank You" for the outstanding presentation you provided at our annual convention in June 2004. Speaking to a group of approximately 250 owners, administrators and nurses for 6 hours and actually keeping them in their seats says so much. I have never seen an education program that kept the interest of so many people." Thank you again, Clint Maun for such a wonderful presentation - the standing ovation you received at the end made me, the Education Director, feel good.

Connie L. Cook Education Director
Oklahoma Association of Health Care Providers

"You were a raving success. Not one negative Comment! Thank you for two successful programs. I have been too many inservices and have never experienced one better than this one. Clint is the best."

Michele A. Furdyna
Reading Area Community College

"Thank you from all of us at AAHSA for your participation as a faculty member at the 37th Annual Meeting and Exposition in Los Angeles, CA. Our membership greatly benefited from the experience and expertise that the faculty offered at this meeting. For your information, we offer the following report of the evaluation scores you received from attendees. Scores are based on a scale of 6 (excellent) to 1 (poor): 125B, Putting People First=Organizational Success - 5.77; 133G, POWERTOOLS for your Marketing Success - 5.91; 58A, Turf Wars: The World of conflict Management - 5.79; 158B, P.O.W.E.R.: Positive Outcomes With Essential Revenue - 5.87; 103B, Recruitment, Selection and Retention of Quality Employees - 5.84"

Robert Lagoyda
Director, Educational Services
American Association of Homes & Services for the Aging

Georgia Health Care Association

Quality Assurance through Motivated Employees

January 24, 2008

NHA 2008 2706-2 ORM 2706

1. Learning Objectives & content Material








2. Appropriateness of topic & content






to long term care.



3. Extent you plan to use the knowledge/skills acquired.








4. Level of Detail








5. Instructor(s)'s presentational skills








6. Overall Rating








Quality Assurance Through Motivated Employees 2008


Ø Clint Maun is a very good speaker. Held my interest. Made me think about solutions in an entertaining way.

Ø Really enjoyed.

Ø Great Presentation skills. The humor keeps our attention and helps the points he makes stay in my mind. Excellent!

Ø Wonderful speaker. Motivating.

Ø Great!

Ø Wonderful. Held my attention.

Ø Very good. Repeat speaker, but not a negative thing. Very good presentation.

Ø Great!

Ø Great speaker with great ideas!

Ø Awesome!

Ø I hope to implement the ideas

Ø Great!

Ø Absolutely great, as usual.

Ø Excellent! Fantastic speaker. Bring him back.

Ø Fantastic. Bring him EVERYTIME

Ø Fantastic presentation!

Ø Best speaker yet!

Ø Bring him back whenever possible. Best motivational speaker. Clint is a 10+ and his presentation is a 20+

Ø 5+++++

Ø Excellent! Get him for a longer period.

Ø Great! Love this man. He is interesting and he makes the hours FUN!

Ø Very motivational

Ø Great!

Ø Wonderful as always

Ø Funny! Entertaining

Ø Thank you.

Ø He is still great!

Ø Very good and motivational speaker

Ø Excellent speaker with valuable information in an interesting way.

Ø Welcome speaker anytime.

Georgia Health Care Association

Communication is Key

January 24, 2008

NHA 2008 2707-2 PSM 2707

Georgia Health Care Association

"Your presentation was a success. Selected attendee comments: "Could have listened to him all day. Excellent!" "We need more speakers with knowledge, content and presentations like Clint Maun" "Best at convention." "Clint Maun continues to be the highlight of speakers."

Kimberly S. Allison, CAE
Director of Educational Services
Indiana Health Care Association

"Seven words - "Boy, did you make me look good!" My exclamation point key was getting tired when typing the comments from your May 9th, 2001 session. This comment from a member sums it up: "Clint Maun was very motivating - he gives me incentive and motivation to return to work". Thank you very much."

Melissa Ziegert
Member Services Director
Iowa Assn. Of Homes & Services for the Aging

"You were absolutely wonderful! And you were EXACTLY what was needed to kick off our convention! I knew you were going to knock their socks off! You have such a talent and you are so pleasant to work with. Thank you very much for being a part of our convention."

Bev Herman
Education Director
North Dakota Long Term Care Association

Clint, you are always "on" and you were terrific once again last evening. People really love your talk, and it fits in so well with the content that Jo covers. The two of you are a winning combination for NMLI/CMLI. I am always amazed that you deliver the same message but differently each time.

Kathy, it was such a pleasure to finally meet you. I am so glad that you came for dinner, even though that was quite a distance for you to come to get a meal. I was not expecting to see someone with so much glamour. I already knew that you had your act together but was not expecting it to be packaged so beautifully:) You have it all and are nice too, and that is quite a combination.

Thank you for the holiday gift that arrived today. You always select something very special. I like the attractive multi-purpose butane lighter and plan to keep it with your flashlight as part of my emergency survival kit. I hope to only use it when there is temporary power interfuption and not in response to a Homeland Security event.

Wishing both of you a safe and happy holiday season! Kathy, if you come again with Clint, please consider yourself invited. It would be lovely to see you again.

Stella Y. Spear
Vice President

Maryland Healthcare Education Institute

"Thanks so much for once again being a highlight of our Convention and Trade Show. Your sage wisdom on recruitment and retention couldn't have come at a better time, and I can guarantee that everyone of my conventioneers would agree one hundred percent."

Rebecca A. Lowry
Deputy Director
New Mexico Health Care Association

On behalf of the nurses of the Community Hospitals Network, I want to thank you for your most significant contribution to our Nursing Summit: Vision for Nursing 2005. The evaluations of your presentation were outstanding. Our leadership found your philosophy and suggested interventions most helpful not only in crafting the five year plan for the Network but also in designing some immediate tactics for their individual business units.

Once again your presentation style and humor liberated "those endorphins" and inspired hope and possibility in the participants. We have taken to heart the fact that "there are nurses out there, they just don't work for us". We are committed to turning that reality around. Furthermore, your thoughts on retention and quality of work life had a significant impact on the strategies identified to support our vision. Thank you, Clint! Please feel free to refer future clients to me for references. I can and will without any reservation recommend you and your materials to future customers interested in the recruitment and retention of a qualified workforce.

Janet M. Bingle, R.N.
Community Hospitals Indianapolis

"The Officers, Directors and Education Committee of the Oklahoma Association of Health Care Providers would like to take this opportunity to extend our appreciation to you for addressing the Long-Term Care industry at the "Sailing and Surviving the Seas of Long-Term Care" convention on June 22 and 23, 2004. Your contribution was significant and for that, we say "Thank You." I personally would like to say "Thank You" for being a part of our program.

Connie L. Cook Education Director
Oklahoma Association of Health Care Providers

"Wonderful presentation! Excellent session! Highlight of the convention! Have him back again! These are just a few of the comments that I heard from the attendees."

Lori L. Tracy
Assistant Executive Director
South Dakota Health Care Association

"Clint Maun's presentation of "Smooth Operations" on June 23 at our Heart of Leadership Conference exceeded all of our expectations here at Oak Grove. The staff is still commenting on how encouraged they were from Clint's talk and continue to use the buzz words from the presentation. I cannot remember when my staff and I laughed so hard and yet walked away with useful information. I can strongly recommend this presentation to any facility that is looking for a way to boost spirits and productivity."

Wayne Rost
Oak Grove Christian Retirement Village

"Mother of mercy, you are one amazing guy! First you drive half the night to get to our conference in the middle of Oregon, talk non-stop for more than six hours to rave reviews, then climb back into your car for the long drive back to the Portland airport. You must have more energy in your little finger than I've ever had in my entire life. To say you were a hit at our conference is quite the understatement. We had people stopping by the registration table all day, thanking us for spending the money to bring you here instead of on those souvenir sweatshirts!"

Margaret Cervenka
Oregon Alliance of Senior & Health Services

"Our management team and their staff expressed their ability to "relate" to your realistic approach to customer service and ways to work with their customers! Their evaluations gave you "Rave" reviews and no one wanted the day to end!"

Kathy Brockman
Vice President, Operations
Alden Management Services, Inc.

"Thank you so much for your incredible contribution to the Continuing Care Accreditation Commission's anniversary luncheon. My staff sat with Larry Minnix, AAHSA's new CEO during your speech and he asked them, "who is this guy, he's really good?" and of course they told him about your time with the entire staff last fall. Needless to say, even Larry found you to be a tough act to follow!"

Ann Gillespie
Executive Director
Continuing Care Accreditation Commission

"Clint Maun's ideas on "Unleashing Productivity" and "Managing Turf Wars", presented to 178 Heritage Enterprises/Heritage Manor department heads and senior staff members, has injected new enthusiasm among all participants. His humorous presentation of very practicable management strategies gave all attendees a wonderful break from the day-to-day, and vigor to return to their facilities to "embrace the chaos" they must supervise daily."

Cathy Hempstead
Training Coordinator
Heritage Enterprises

 19th Annual Lou Lewis Symposium - Evaluation Summary
Seven Acres Jewish Senior Care Services
 2006 AAHSA Annual Meeting and Exposition
 2007 Annual Conference
Kentucky Association of Homes and Services for the Aging
 2007 Mid-Year Convention
Alabama Nursing Home Association
 2007 Mid-Year Convention Eval Results
Health Care
 7 Keys to Personal Success & Happiness in a Healthcare Job - Evaluation Summary
South Carolina Health Care Association
 7 Keys to Personal Success & Happiness in a Healthcare Job - Evaluation Summary
Washington Assoc. of Housing and Services for the Aging
 7 Sets Up 17 -Evaluation Summary
South Carolina Health Care Association
 8th Annual HealthCare Service Excellence Conference
Healthcare Service Excellence Conference Association
 AAHSA convention
Baptist Retirement Community
 Achieving Smooth Operations - Evaluation Summary
Maine Health Care
 Annual Conference 2007
Health Care
 Annual Summer Trustee Conference
Minnesota Hospital Association
 Are You Still Working at the Home?/ Workforce 21-Becoming an Employer of Choice - Evaluation Summary
Maine Health Care
 Bridges to Enhancing Dementia Care
 Building Relationships...Bridges to Enhancing Dementia Care
MPRS Society
 Closing Plenary Session
Intemational Association of Homes and Services for the Ageing
 Communication is Key 2008
Georgia Health Care Assoc.
 Dynamic Directions Workshop
 FHCA & FALA 2004 Annual Conference - Evaluation Summary Report
Florida Health Care Association
 FHCA 2008 Annual Conference
Florida Health Care Association
 FHCA 2008 Annual Conference-Evaluations
Florida Health Care Association
 Florida Health Care Association
Florida Health Care Association
 Hamilton Healthcare System Retreat
Hamilton Healthcare System
 IHCA Convention
Illinois Health Care Association
 IHCA Convention Survey Results-1
Illinois Health Care Association
 IHCA Convention Survey Results-2
Illinois Health Care Association
 King of the Mountain/Are You Still Working at the Home? Evaluation Summary
 L.O. Simenstad Nursing Care Unit
L.O. Simenstad Nursing Care Unit - Symposium
 Leadership Symposium
New Mexico Health Care Association
 Maine Hospital Association - Evaluation Summary
Maine Hospital Association
 Medicare Census Consulting - Evaluation Summary
St. Luke Health Services
 MHCA 2009 Midyear Convention
Montana Health Care Association
 MPRS society
Dunwoody Village
 National AHCA Convention
United Health Care Association
 Oconee Memorial Hospital - Evaluation Summary
Oconee Memorial Hospital
 Preparing for the Future - Strategy, Staff, and Satisfaction
Oklahoma Association of Homes and Services for the Aging
 Presbyterian Senior Care
Presbyterian Senior Care
 Presbyterian SeniorCare
Presbyterian SeniorCare
 Real-Time Teaming in Health Care
Press Ganey
 Reengineering the Day and 7 to 1 ROI
Georgia Health Care Association
 Regional Conference - Evaluation Summary
Press Ganey Associates, Inc.
 Regional Conference - Evaluation Summary / Service Summary
Press Ganey Associates, Inc.
 Servant Leadership Workshop Evaluation
East Tennessee Children's Hospital
 South Carolina Hospital - Evaluation Summary
South Carolina Hospital Assoc.
 Spring Conference and Trade Show
 Spring Education Conference
 Spring Education Conference-Evaluations
 Summer Trustee Conference
Minnesota Hospital Association
 Summer Trustee Conference-evaluations
Minnesota Hospital Association
 Team Based Turnover Reduction
Connecticut Hospital Association
 Village on the Isle - Evaluation Summary
Village on the Isle
 Wesley Woods Geriatric Hospital Resurvey
Emory Health Care
 WHCA's 56th Annual Fall Convention
Wisconsin Health Care Association
 Winter Conference for Trustees
Minnesota Hospital Association
 Winter Trustee Conference
Minnesota Hospital Association
 Winter Trustee Conference-Evaluations
Minnesota Hospital Association